Facilitative Leadership Skills

Today’s work environments are highly matrixed. Cross functional teams spread across hierarchies, functions and geographies require collaborative fast working where everyone is actively participating in the discussion. Hence, effective Facilitation Skills have never been more critical for an organization’s success.

What is Facilitative Leadership ?
Facilitation is the art of making it easier for a group to decide. Leads to higher innovation, better quality and faster decisions
Why are Facilitative Leadership Skills important for an Organization?
  • Builds a culture of trust, care and respect.
  • Helps engage Gen Y and Gen Z
  • Creates buy-in for group decisions
  • Leads to higher innovation and better-quality faster decisions
  • Lowers Attrition and improves Employee Productivity
  • Teams need a neutral party who has a balanced mind and can assimilate the feelings with reasoning and ensure a fair process.
Our Offerings
  • Facilitator Role (Face to Face and Virtually)
  • Meeting Roles & Agenda
  • Brainstorming Techniques
  • Stimulating Creative thinking
  • Problem Solving & Prioritizing Ideas
  • Managing Meeting Conflict
  • Decision Making Approaches
  • Engaging Virtual Participants
  • Managing Dysfunctional Behaviour