People Management

Employees are the biggest Assets for any company. The health of a company is as good as the health of its employees. Having effective people management skills is critical for leaders. It leads to building an environment of trust and respect which in turn fosters engagement, loyalty, belonging and productivity.

Research shows that 64%-80 of employees will leave directly or indirectly because of their boss rather than the employer. Ineffective people management skills by a manager leads to higher attrition, lower morale, and talent acquisition costs go up by 4 times. Over time, it fosters unhealthy bureaucracy and politics resulting in a stifling work culture.

What is People Management ?
  • Practices and processes in an organization in which managers manage end to end employee and team performance cycle.
  • A people manager’s responsibilities include hiring, on-boarding, building rapport and trust, training, goal setting, holding one to one conversation, coaching, leading, monitoring, motivating, developing, and reviewing performance.
  • A manager also leads a team which includes team meetings and roles, understanding stages of team development, creating fun activities, managing team member conflicts and communication, and recognition and rewards.
Why is People Management important for an Organization?
  • Employee Satisfaction has a very strong correlation to an Organization’s growth.
  • Happier Employees translates into happier Customers. Thus, good people management practices result in higher Customer Satisfaction as well.
Our Offerings
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Holding One to One Conversations
  • Having Difficult Conversations
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • Writing 360 Degree Feedback
  • Handling Difficult Performance Conversations
  • Managing Appraisals
  • Writing your own appraisal
  • Goal Setting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Leadership Styles
  • Coaching Skills
  • Motivating & Recognising Teams
  • Stages of Team Development & Roles
  • Inspiring Winning Teams
  • Promotion Training
  • Mentoring Skills
  • Turning Around a Negative Attitude
  • Team Engagement & Retention